



hydraulic resistance, multi-vortex separator, vortex structure, separation device, fine particles, separation, pressure loss, vortex device, vortex formation, venturi pipe, filter


The chemical industry is one of the main sources of fine particle emissions into the environment. They pose a threat to human health, adversely affect the environment and climate change. Particles are difficult to capture with conventional separation technologies. In order to solve the problem, the authors of the work propose the design of a multi-vortex separator. The article presents the principle of its operation. The purpose of this work is to experimentally determine the hydraulic resistance of a multi-vortex separator. The paper considers the influence of two variants of the design of the separator on its hydraulic resistance. In the first version, the purified gas flow exits directly through the separation channels. In the second variant, they installed a cover with round holes for the gas outlet on the back of the separator, which made it possible to form a more stable vortex structure on the separation channels. To determine the hydraulic resistance of a multi-vortex separator, it created an experimental setup, printed element by element on a 3D printer, including a blower, a receiver, a Venturi tube, a multi-vortex separator, and differential pressure gauges. In experimental studies. the dependences of the pressure loss of a multi-vortex separator on the air velocity at the inlet to the device were obtained for both design designs of the device. Based on the studies carried out, the following conclusions were drawn: the hydraulic resistance of a multi-vortex separator with open separation channels Δpop is 14 to 204 Pa at an air velocity at the inlet to the device from 1.4 to 7.7 m/s, the hydraulic resistance of a multi-vortex separator with an installed cover with holes for gas flow outlet Δpcl is from 42 to 1833 Pa at an air velocity at the inlet to the device from 0.8 to 4.9 m/s, the complication of the design leads to an increase in hydraulic resistance and, most likely, an increase in efficiency because of the formation of a more stable vortex structure.


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How to Cite

Zinurov В. Э., Bikkulov Р. Я., Dmitrieva О. С., Madyshev И. Н., & Abdullina А. А. (2023). EXPERIMENTAL DETERMINATION OF HYDRAULIC RESISTANCE OF A MULTI VORTEX SEPARATOR: GVPTZQ . Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (1), 191–199. https://doi.org/10.25712/ASTU.2072-8921.2023.01.024

