


Every year, the problem of coal waste disposal becomes more and more acute, which is associated with stricter environmental standards and an increase in production rates in the coal industry. In this regard, effective management of coal waste requires innovative developments and their implementation in technologies and methods aimed at processing, cleaning and disposal in the coal industry. The article presents a classification of wastewater treatment methods. A draft installation for the treatment of mine waters of a coal mine is proposed with the main technical elements, a scheme of interaction of elements, implemented technological solutions and options for the operation of the installation. The implementation of the proposed installation in the coal industry makes it possible to evaluate not only the processes of mine water purification, but also measures aimed at optimizing the resources spent and reducing the negative impact on the environment. The research results and technical characteristics of the proposed installation are discussed in the context of its application and benefits for industrial enterprises in the field of coal industry. The coal mine water treatment plant project can serve as a basis for implementing environmentally sustainable solutions in the field of water treatment and increasing economic efficiency in the coal industry.


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How to Cite

Neverov Е. Н. ., Gorelkina А. К. ., Mikhaylova Е. С. ., Timoshchuk И. В. ., & Skhaplok Р. Ю. . (2024). PROJECT OF A COAL MINE WATER TREATMENT PLANT: VGLWWM. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (1), 169–178.

