


enzymatic hydrolysis, peptides, amino acids, zinc, taurine, bivalve mollusk Anadara broughtoni


This paper presents the results of studies on the production of a functional peptide module enriched with the trace element zinc and taurine for the prevention of hyperlipidemia and obesity. The peptide module was obtained by biotechnological modification of soft tissues of the bivalve mollusk of the Far Eastern region Anadara broughtonii using an enzyme preparation - alkaline protease protozyme B, process conditions - pH 7.0-7.2, temperature 50 0C, duration 24 h. Zinc enrichment was carried out by a complexation reaction by adding a 20% aqueous ZnCl2 solution to the peptide module in a weight ratio of 6.25 × nitrogen in the liquid fraction : zinc chloride = 10:1. Process conditions: temperature 20-25 ° C, duration 60 min, pH 7.0-7.1. The content of the high-molecular fraction (weighing more than 160 kDa) was low and amounted to no more than 1.2%. The most represented fractions are low-molecular fractions with masses of 6.5-12.5 kDa, 12.5-18 kDa and 1.4-6.5 kDa. Low–molecular fractions weighing no more than 24 kDa are maximally determined in the peptide module of the mantle - 89.3%. The resulting peptide modules had a fairly high taurine content - 28.48-30.15% of the total amino acids. The most essential amino acids are leucine, lysine, valine, isoleucine, and the conditionally essential amino acid arginine. The maximum binding of the zinc trace element in both the peptide module of the muscle and the mantle occurs in fractions with molecular weights of 12.5-18 kDa and 6.5-12.5 kDa. A total of 81.1% (muscle) and 83.7% (mantle) of zinc is bound in low molecular weight fractions from 24 to less than 1.4 kDa. The minimum mass fraction of zinc was determined in high–molecular fractions with masses of more than 160 kDa and 67-160 kDa - a total of 4.2% (mantle) and 4.5% muscle. The use of the obtained peptide modules enriched with zinc and taurine in food systems will have an impact on the metabolic syndrome, including the prevention of hyperlipidemia and obesity.


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