An article of 6 pages (in agreement with the editorial board, articles of up to 10 pages are allowed), having a UDC index, an abstract and keywords in Russian, translation of the article metadata into English, information about the authors (academic degree, title and place of work, e-mail and ORCID identifier).
The works are accepted in the Microsoft Word text editor.
In the "Page Layout" tab: A4 paper size is used, the orientation of the sheet is portrait. Margins: top – 2 cm; bottom - 2 cm; left - 2 cm; right - 2 cm; binding - 0 cm; In the "Columns" – "Other columns" dialog, the text is placed in "two" columns, the column width is set to 8 cm, the gap between them is 0.5 cm. In the "Hyphenation" dialog, "auto" is selected.
The structure of the article must necessarily contain:
Type of article (scientific article, review article), scientific specialty, UDC index and doi (placement in the upper left corner of the document, each entry on a separate line, without dots).
The titles of the articles are typed in capital letters (font “Times New Roman", font size of the text - 11 points, bold) in the center of the document.
The names, patronymics and surnames of the authors are placed under the title of the article (the font “Times New Roman", the font size of the text is 11 points), a superscript digit is placed above the surname, in order, all superscript digits are deciphered below (information about the place of work, city, country, email address and ORCID of the authors).
The annotation is formed according to GOST R 7.0.99. The volume of the abstract is from 150 to 200 words. Before the annotation, the word "Abstract" is given. The font is "Times New Roman", the font size is 10 points, the red line is 0.7 cm, the line spacing is "single". The abstract should be informative (not contain general words), original, reflect the main content of the article and the results of the study (justification, subject, purpose of the work, method or methodology of the work, scope of the results, conclusions).
The word "Keywords" is given before the keywords The number of keywords or phrases from 10 to 15. (font "Times New Roman", font size - 10 points, red line - 0.7 cm, line spacing "single").
After the keywords, words of gratitude to organizations, institutions, managers can be given, information about projects, research works, financing, etc. can be provided. This information is given with the preceding word "Acknowledgements" (font "Times New Roman", font size – 10 points, red line – 0.7 cm, line spacing "single").
Then separate the line with a dash and write "For citation" below, then insert a bibliographic entry on the article for further citation (compiled according to GOST R.7.0.5-2008). After recording, separate this text with a dash.
After recording all the metadata of the article in Russian, it is necessary to provide all the metadata in English (patronymics are abbreviated to letters in English).
The main text (the font "Times New Roman" is used for the main part of the text, the font size of the main text is 11 points, the red line (indent) is 0.7 cm, the line spacing is "single") must contain:
1) Introduction – this section describes the existing scientific problem and provides a brief literary overview of the state of the designated problem.
2) Methods / methodology / methodology of research - the theory or methodology of experimental research is given, the rationale for the choice of this material and research methods is given.
3) Results and their discussion - the section contains a brief description of the theoretical or experimental results obtained. It is recommended to present the results in the past tense. In the discussion, it is recommended to explain the significance of your research. To show what knowledge was obtained as a result of the research, to identify their prospects and compare them with the existing situation in this area described in the "Introduction" section. The data should be systematized and have a logical connection with the text.
The built-in capabilities of Microsoft Word are used to create formulas and tables. Figures of digital format (in electronic form) are created by means of Microsoft Word or other programs and inserted in the right place of the document, the names of tables and figures are duplicated in English.
The dimensions of the figures should not exceed the margins of the page of the main text of the document, taking into account the caption. The drawings are not edited by the publisher. If the drawing is wider than the column size, then it is necessary to put a section break in front of it and after it on the current page and place the drawing at the beginning or at the end of the page. Drawings, inscriptions and Microsoft Word objects should move along with the text, i.e. they should not be on top of the text.
4) Conclusions – it is recommended to start this section with a few phrases summarizing the work done, and then the main conclusions are presented in the form of a list.
5) The list of references (font "Times New Roman", size - 11 items) – at least 10 items, issued in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008 "Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of compilation".
Information about the authors is given after the list of references, with the preceding words "Information about the authors" - initials, surname - academic degree, title, place of work, phone number);
After that, they give a list of references in Latin - REFERENCES according to the APA (American Psychological Association) style. The numbering of entries in the supplementary list should coincide with the numbering of entries in the main list of non-textual bibliographic references.
Below is information about the authors in English after the words "Information about the authors".
At the end of the article, the authors should indicate the absence or presence of a conflict of interest.
Articles that have not been published anywhere before and have not been submitted for publication in other publications are accepted for publication. Articles selected for publication in the journal are subject to two-way blind peer review.
The author of the article has the right to propose two reviewers in the scientific direction of his research.
Publications in the journal are accepted in Russian and English.
The electronic version of the publication must be sent in the format of a Microsoft Word text editor (extensions.doc, .docx) by email to . The file name is formed from the surname and initials of the first author (for example, "ИвановАА.doc ). If there are several articles, then an ordinal number is added to the file name through an underscore (for example, "ИвановАА_1.doc ").
All articles will be checked in the "Anti-Plagiarism" system, with less than 75% of the original articles will be returned to the authors.

Contact information:
Barnaul, Lenin Ave., 46, 523 GC, postal code: 656038.
Chernykh Evgeniya Vladimirovna - tel.: 8 (3852) 290852,
e-mail: .