Editorial Team
Aleksey Guriev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor at AltSTU, Barnaul, Russia
Larisa Mayurnikova, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor at KemSU, Kemerovo, Russia
Gennady Sakovich, RAS academician, Biysk, Russia
Timur Deberdev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, KNRTU, Kazan, Russia
Sergey Iliyasov, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, IPCET SB RAS, Biysk, Russia
Aleksey Blaznov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, IPCET SB RAS, Biysk, Russia
Evgeny Petrov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, BTI, Biysk, Russia
Vladislav Deev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, NUST MISIS, Moscow, Russia
Vladimir Bataev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, NSTU, Novosibirsk, Russia
Mei Shunqi, professor, WTU, Wuhan, China
Sergei Konovalov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Siberian state Industrial University, Novokuznetsk, Russia
Burial Lygdenov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, WTU, Wuhan, China
Mikhail Shchetinin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Vice-President of the International Industrial Academy, Moscow, Russia
Soltan Osama Ismaeil Ahmed, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Lecturer of the Department "Food Science", Faculty of Agriculture, Minia University, Cairo-Aswan road, El-Minia, Egyp
Maya Tamova, Doctor of Technical Sciences, KubSTU, Krasnodar, Russia
Vladimir Popov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, TIU, Tyumen, Russia
Aleksandr Mayorov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, FASCA, Barnaul, Russia
Sergei Novoselov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, AltSTU, Barnaul, Russia
Vadim Konshin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, AltSTU, Barnaul, Russia
Aleksandr Romanov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, OOO “Baltisky Bakery House”, Kaliningrad, Russia
Igor Altukhov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate professor, IrSAU, Irkutsk, Russia
Galina Gurinovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, KemSU, Kemerovo, Russia
Elena Egorova, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate professor, Head of the Department of Grain Storage and Processing Technology, AltSTU, Barnaul, Russia
Olga Musina , Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department "Food Technology" AltSTU, Barnaul, Russia
Elena Ananieva, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate professor, AltSTU, Barnaul, Russia
Tatiana Stoporeva, Candidate of Technical Sciences, AltSTU, phone +7(3852) 290946, e-mail: orpd_sta@mail.ru, Barnaul, Russia
Nikolay Proskura, editor AlSTU, Barnaul, Russia