


The results of the study of the nutritional value of commercially produced orange juice under the trademarks "Rich", "Santal", "Ya" are presented to clarify and supplement the literature data and identify the most competitive products. According to the levels of mono- and disaccharides, all juice samples corresponded to the reference data, but the content of citric acid exceeded the upper level of the comparison range with the maximum deviation upwards (by 28.7%) in the juice "Ya". Succinic acid was present in the products "I" and "Rich" (1.6 times more). The level of vitamin C was characteristic in the drinks "Rich" and "Ya". The total content of polyphenols and naringin was higher in the juice "Ya": in the first case, 2.2 times in relation to the drink "Santal", by 15.9% in relation to "Rich"; in the second - by 2.1 times and by 7.1%, respectively. The level of hesperidin was higher in the "Rich" drink - by 10.7% in relation to the "Ya" juice, by 31.7% - in relation to "Santal". Antioxidant activity of all juice samples was in the range of 23.5...25.7%. For the first time, results were obtained on the content of Al, B, Ba, Na, Ni, Sb, Sn, Si, Sr, Te, Zn in industrial orange juice. The elements B, Ba, Cu, K, Mg, Mn, Ni, P, Zn in the juice "Rich" and "Ya" were in the same quantitative interval. Drink "Rich" was distinguished by a relatively high content of Ca, Se, Si, Sr, "Ya" - the levels of Al and Fe, "Santal" - the amount of Na. However, in "Santal" juice, the content of Mn was 40% below the lower limit of the comparison range, and the amount of Se exceeded the upper limit along with “Rich” by 23% and 53%, respectively. Thus, behind the juice "Rich" and "Ya" established a competitive advantage.


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How to Cite

Naumova Н. Л. ., Lukin А. А. ., Velisevich Е. А. ., & Naumov Н. А. . (2024). NUTRITIONAL VALUE OF ORANGE JUICE OF INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION OF VARIOUS TRADE BRANDS: TTHARR. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (1), 57–64.

