About the tasks of the economy in modern Russia (an attempt of philosophical reflection)
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the economics of consumption and profit, the spiritual foundations of society, the substantiation of the economy, the comprehensive development of man, the philosophy of economyAbstract
The economic and technological development of the regions of Russia is declared as a priority direction of domestic policy today, dominating the programs of social, cultural, educational and, generally, spiritual development of citizens. This choice of priorities in regional development should be determined by a clear and definite social goal and a holistic picture of the future of Russia, composed of clear anthropological, cultural and environmental perspectives. Today no one has such a clear picture of the future of Russia — neither officials, nor philosophers, nor even ordinary citizens, therefore vague formulations about the competitiveness of the country, prosperity and success of citizens are used in the development programs of the regions of Russia. The article explains the inadequacy of such formulations to the ontological nature of society and man, manifested in the unity of material and spiritual aspects. As a result, the irrationality of the modern economy as a whole is asserted and criteria for rational management are given.
Copyright (c) 2024 С.М. Журавлева

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