Design of clamping and conveying mechanism for lotus root slicer
Lotus root slicer; Motion analysis; Strength verification; Sorting device; transmissionAbstract
Lotus root plays an important role in various aquatic vegetables in China, and the processing and comprehensive utilization of lotus root products is an inevitable way to promote the development of lotus root related industries. Many factory plans have shortcomings. The production environment does not meet safety standards, and processing efficiency needs to be improved. So achieving industrial production and efficient value-added processing of lotus root products, and applying new technologies to develop lotus root convenience foods, will undoubtedly promote the development of lotus root processing industry. According to the data, Chinese lotus root slicing machines are roughly divided into vegetable cutting and vegetable cutting types. After comparison, our goal is to design a new type of slicer with good cutting performance, adaptability to different shapes, quality assurance, and improved efficiency to meet market demand. In this design, we use Solidworks for model design, motion module for motion analysis, and simulation module for strength simulation. The slicer uses a ratchet mechanism to control thickness and a clamping device to fix lotus roots to reduce damage, as well as the design of sorting and clamping conveyor devices.
Copyright (c) 2024 Chen Yi-xin / 陈怡欣 Chen Yi-xin / 陈怡欣, Li Xu / 李旭 Li Xu / 李旭

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.