https://doi.org/10.25712/ASTU.2072-8921.2022.03.003Ключевые слова:
виноматериал, активные сухие дрожжи, пенообразующая способность, аминный азот, фер-менты, игристые вина, послетиражная выдержка, термическая обработка.Аннотация
The article is devoted to a study aimed at identifying and developing technological techniques that ensure the intensification of enzymatic reactions in yeast biomass during the post-aging of sparkling wine and, as a result, a significant reduction in the aging time and improvement of the quality of the finished product. In order to study the mechanism of autolysis of yeast during the period of post-run exposure, the effects of temperature regimes of circulation treatments on changes in its physico-chemical and biochemical parameters in conditions excluding increased pressure and tightness of the medium were investigated. For this purpose, starting from the initial wine material and, operationally, in the circulation model, the activity of oxidative and hydrolytic enzymes was analyzed, the content of protein and amine nitrogen, as well as the foaming ability were determined.
Despite a significant decrease in the foaming capacity with the use of cold treatment with long-range heat treatment, it was possible to increase its value from 8.7 c to 9.4 с. This value was achieved due to the breakdown of protein structures of the yeast cell and increased activity of hydrolytic enzymes, which contributed to an increase in the concentration of amine nitrogen from 157.5 to 161.0 mg/dm3, which are surfactants. It was also revealed that in order to carry out the secondary fermentation of the vi-nomaterial from the selection grape varieties, it is necessary to carry out the selection of yeast.
Thus, the data obtained indicate the possibility of shortening the time of post-aging of the champagne cuvee and improving its foaming ability, as a result of the intensification of wine maturation processes due to increased enzymatic activity of yeast biomass during heat treatment.
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