Physical methods of investigation in objective evaluation of the appearance of drinks from plant raw material





drinks, transparency, color, optical methods, electrophoresis, microscopy, colloidal opacities


The color and transparency of drinks are the most important sensory attributes that can have a psycho-emotional and physiological impact on the consumer. Drinks from fruit raw materials at the marketing stage are subject to opalescence, turbidity and precipitation, due to the composition of the fruit and the ongoing interaction of its components in drinks. The purpose of the work was to study the appearance of various groups of drinks from fruit raw materials by physical methods. The objects were drinks: opaque dark-colored - commercial samples of balms "Zolotoj vek", "Arskij kamen'", "Bashkirskij", transparent light-colored experimental samples of drinks from the fruits of Hippophae rhamnoides variety Chuiskaya - clarified juice, dry sea buckthorn wine material, special fruit wine, external the appearance of which was studied by physical methods: electrophoresis, microscopy, optical. It is shown that the use of these methods confirms the colloidal nature of opaque balms. During electrophoresis, the greatest formation of agglomerates was noted at the positive electrode, which indicates the negatively charged nature of the formed colloidal particles, the main changes are recorded in the values of the current exposure time from 8 to 30 minutes with a current strength of 0.1–0.6A. Peak-like changes fix the cloud point or the point of formation of macromolecular agglomerates, microscopy of samples shows the formation of agglomerated clusters in the form of spherical particles about 1-2 nm in size. For transparent light-colored drinks from the fruits of Hippophae rhamnoides, optical characteristics were determined at certain wavelengths, which served as the basis for calculating the indicators of color intensity, hue and yellowness. It is shown that as a result of storage of sea buckthorn drinks, the color intensity index and the yellowness of drinks increase, as well as the value of the color shade decreases, which allows the development of methods for determining the shelf life of sea buckthorn drinks. The results of the research open up prospects for the introduction of physical methods into the practice of laboratories for technochemical control of manufacturers of a wide range of drinks from vegetable raw materials.


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How to Cite

Shkolnikova М. Н. . ., & Rozhnov Е. Д. (2023). Physical methods of investigation in objective evaluation of the appearance of drinks from plant raw material: JZWLEG. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (1), 151–163.

