Aleksey Guriev

Editor-in-Chief, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, laureate of the Altai Territory Prize in Science and Technology, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, laureate of the Hubei Province State Prize in Science and Technology (China), corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Higher School, member Member of the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgy and Metalworking, expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Place of work:

Polzunov Altai State Technical University, Head of the Department of Descriptive Geometry and Graphics

Wuhan Textile University, Professor

Address: 656038, Barnaul, Lenin Ave., 46, room 346 a, Main building
Phone: 8 (3852) 29-08-63

E-mail: gurievam@mail.ru

Links to the scientist's profile:


It was created a scientific direction on the management of thermal effects by the strength and ductility of metal alloys and diffusion coatings under the guidance of Professor Alexey Guriev in the framework of the School of Physical Materials Science at Polzunov Altai State Technical University. The new materials and technologies of thermal and chemical-thermal treatment developed by him have been introduced into production at the enterprises of the Altai Territory and beyond, supported by federal and regional grants in Russia and China, introduced into the process of teaching students and postgraduates. More than fifteen candidate's and five doctoral dissertations have been prepared under his leadership. His students successfully work at industrial enterprises and universities in the Altai Territory and beyond – in Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Mongolia and China.

Professor Guriev is a member of the dissertation councils for awarding the degree of Doctor of Technical and Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences at AltSTU and SibGIU (Novokuznetsk). He has more than 500 published scientific and educational works, including 14 monographs (two of which were published in the USA and one in Germany), 12 textbooks for students and postgraduates, also he is an author of 23 inventions. His monographs have been awarded by many book exhibitions, including the Moscow International Book Fair 2015, Paris Book Fair (France, Paris 2015 and 2016), Frankfurt Book Fair 2016 (Germany, Frankfurt am Main), London Book Fair (2017, London, UK), LIBER BARCELONA (Spain, 2018 ), BookExpo America 2019 (New York City, USA), Book Fair BUCH WIEN 2019, (Austria, Vienna), HONG KONG BOOK EXPO 17-23 July 2019, 33 Moscow International Book Fair (Moscow, 2020).


Honorary title "Honored Worker of Science and Education"

Badge "Founder of the scientific school"

Gold Medal of the European Chamber of Science and Industry (Brussels)

Medal of the Altai Territory "For services to society"

Почетное звание Заслуженный деятель науки и образования РАЕ Badge "Honored Worker of Science and Education of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences"
Медаль имени А.НОБЕЛЯ

Medal of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences named after Alfred Nobel

Медаль имени В.И.Вернадского Золотая

Gold and silver medals named after V. I. Vernadsky

Medal named after V. Leibniz

Gold Medal "For innovative work in the field of higher education"

 Order of Labore et scientia

 Order of Alexander the Great "For Scientific Victories and Achievements"

 Order Primus inter pares 

Order of Catherine the Great "For Service to Science and Education"

      Order of Peter the Great "The
           Unprecedented Happens"

Орден «ЗА ЗАСЛУГИ»         Order of Merit