Publication Ethics

Polzunovskiy vestnik editorial board in its activities is guided by the principles of publication ethics recognized by the international community and reflected in The Committee on Publication Ethics - COPE and the Declaration "Ethical principles of scientific publications", adopted at the general meeting of "Association of Science Editors and Publishers".

All participants in the editorial and publishing process (editor-in-chief, editorial board members, reviewers, authors, editors, publisher, founders) should be guided in their activities by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Journal Charter, publication ethics and other documents approved by the founders, publisher and journal editorial staff.

In order to avoid unfair publishing practices (plagiarism, presentation of unreliable information, etc.), in order to ensure the high quality of scientific publications all participants in the editorial and publishing process of the journal are obliged to comply with ethical standards, norms and rules, and take all reasonable measures to prevent violations.

Responsibilities of the Editorial Board

The editorial board works to invite highly qualified professionals to the editorial board and is engaged in improving the reviewing and editing process.

Information materials for authors are posted on the website and in the printed version of the journal.

All manuscripts received by the editorial board are reviewed with integrity, impartiality, objectivity and honesty. Manuscripts undergo a mandatory check in the "Anti-plagiarism" system. Articles with less than 75% originality are returned to the authors.

The Editorial Board may reject an article on the following grounds: non-compliance with the subject matter of the journal, failure to meet the design requirements, poor quality of the manuscript, presence of plagiarism, relevant reviewers' comments. The reasons for article rejection are reported to the authors.

The Editorial Board guarantees confidentiality to the authors.

Materials of the rejected manuscript are not used in the research without the written consent of the authors.

Responsibilities of the Authors

-          Submit original manuscripts previously unpublished.

-          Deal with true facts and data in manuscript that can be proofed.

-          Avoid duplications. If some parts of the manuscript had already been published, the author must refer to the previous publication and define the differences between the new paper and the old one.

It is not allowed to submit the manuscript in more than one journal simultaneously (articles retraction).

The author submitting the manuscript guarantees that list of authors includes those who have made significant contribution to the paper and that persons earned authorship are not excluded from the list of authors.

Principles of authorship

  • Identification of authors and other persons contributed to the research is an area of responsibility of people conducted the research. The researchers should identify the parson who made significant contribution (project and plan; collection, analysis or interpretation of data; preparation of article and its critical review for intellectual content, etc.) to guarantee the appointment as an author.
  • Persons contributed to the paper but whose participation was not enough to guarantee their appointment as authors, should be named in the Acknowledgement section.
  • Authors should review and approve the manuscript before publication.

Authors should submit the manuscripts according to the rules for designing articles.

Authors should accurately and correctly indicate references to researches made by others by indicating the original source in the list of references at the end of the article.

Coping references to papers from other publications without reviewing them is not allowed.

Authors should disclose the conflicts of interests and sources of financial support (grants, projects, etc). Information about financial support should be stated in the Acknowledgement section.

There can be several authors, bit only one should be responsible for communication with the editor, promptly answer editor’s and reviewer’s questions, and guarantee the fulfillment of the editors’ requirements.

All authors should provide disclaimer or mistakes correction, if applicable in the already published article.

Authors have exclusive rights for manuscripts publishing indicating by Copyright © on the cover page of the article in Polzunovsky vestnik.

Authors published in the journal "Polzunovskiy Vestnik" grant the journal the right to first publish a work under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which allows others to distribute this work with the obligatory preservation of links to the authors of the original work and the original publication in this journal.

Every author should sign consent to publication in Polzunovskiy vestnik.

The journal has open access; the articles can be read, downloaded, copied, disseminated, printed and referred to the full texts indicating authorship unrestricted.

Responsibilities of the Editors

 Editors are responsible to authors, reviewers, scientific community, founders, publisher and readers for decision making about publication and content of the published materials.

Editors act objectively and impartially and ensure effective process of independent reviewing saving anonymity of the reviewers and authors.

Editor should not disclose information about the article before publication to the third persons, excluding participants of editorial and publishing process.

Editors should not have conflicts of interests to submitted articles.

Editors should prevent situations when the participants of the editorial and publishing process conduct improperly.

If appropriate, editors publish information about correction, denials, and reviews.

It is obligatory for editor to agree final version of the article with the author before publication.

Editor-in-chief makes final decision about publication on the basis of reviewers’ comments.

Responsibilities of the Reviewers

The reviewer is obliged to make objective and unbiased judgments, personal criticism is not allowed. All conclusions of the reviewer must reasoned and guided by authoritative sources.

The reviewer must maintain confidentiality. It is not allowed discussion of the work with others, with the exception of participants of the editorial and publishing process.

The reviewer must maintain confidentiality. It is not allowed to discuss the work with others, except those involved in the editorial and publishing process.

The reviewer may not use the information obtained in the course of reviewing for personal gain or for commercial purposes.

The reviewer should inform editor-in-chief and refuse the manuscript reviewing if, in the opinion of the reviewer, his/her qualifications are insufficient to review the submitted material, or in case of possible violation of the manuscript reviewing terms, or if he/she has a conflict of interest with the author or the organization related to the manuscript.

The reviewer should draw attention of the editor-in-chief to the substantial or partial similarity of the evaluated manuscript with any other work, as well as to the absence of references to regulations, conclusions, or arguments previously published in other works of this or other authors.

The reviewer assists the author in improving the quality of the article.

If there is a question about the reliability of the research data, the author is given the opportunity to answer these questions.

The editorial board maintains the confidentiality of the personal data of the reviewers.

Retraction of Articles

Retraction is a review of already published articles and is used in extreme cases if facts that were not known during the reviewing process come to light.

To retract an article, the editorial board must have clear evidence that the published information is unreliable.

If an article has previously been published in another publication and there is no appropriate citation, permission, or justification for republishing it, the manuscript is subject to retraction.

The mechanism for retraction:

  1. A written request to withdraw the article is sent to the editorial board. This appeal may come from authors, readers, reviewers, editors and other interested parties.
  2. A committee is created in the editorial board to consider this appeal.
  3. The editorial board shall notify the initiator of the results of the commission's appeal consideration of the in writing.
  4. If the facts for the withdrawal of the article are sufficient, the journal publishes information that the article is withdrawn, indicating the metadata of the article.
  5. A letter about article withdrawn and indicated reasons is sent to the databases, where the article is indexed.

Conflict of Interests

In order to avoid cases of violation of publication ethics, a conflict of interest of all parties involved in the process of publishing a manuscript should be avoided. A conflict of interest arises when an author, reviewer, or editorial board member has a financial, scientific, or personal relationship that may influence their actions. Such relationships are called dual commitments, competing interests, or competing loyalties.

In the case of conflicts, questions, or complaints related to violations of publication ethics, a committee of staff members and members of the editorial board is established in the journal's editorial board.