
  • Lyudmila A. Kormina Polzunov Altai State Technical University
  • Daria S. Zaitseva Polzunov Altai State Technical University




процесс абсорбционной очистки газов, дымовые газы, техногенный источник, диоксид углерода, регенерация сорбента, утилизация диоксида углерода, химическая абсорбция, хемосорбент, метилдиэтаноламин, энергозатраты, углеродная нейтральность.


Reducing the impact of emissions of pollutants, including carbon dioxide, formed during the combustion of fossil fuels, can be carried out with the use of technologies of capture, disposal and burial. The absorption of CO2 after combustion is mainly used in operating boiler units – sources of emissions, where various solvent -absorbers are used for the chemisorption of carbon dioxide.

The urgency of solving the problem of carbon dioxide capture from natural gas combustion products of industrial boilers is shown. A method of carbon dioxide capture by chemical absorption using solutions of methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) is proposed on the example of a production boiler house of JSC Altayvagon. Flue gases containing CO2 are supplied to the carbon dioxide workshop of the enterprise for cleaning, followed by the utilization of carbon dioxide, which is used at Altaivagon JSC for welding operations. The proposed chemosorbent MDEA of domestic production in comparison with the imported analogue currently used at the enterprise has certain advantages, which will reduce the circulation of the absorbent solution, use the chemosorbent more fully, reduce energy consumption; due to the low corrosion activity of the absorbent used and the absence of tar formation, the costs of maintenance and repair of equipment will decrease. Due to the use of domestic MDEA instead of imported analogues, as well as due to a longer service life of the absorbent without reducing its characteristics and adding fresh absorbent during operation, significant savings on the purchase of the absorbent will occur.

Capturing emissions of pollutants from flue gases will solve the issues of both resource conservation and reduction of anthropogenic load on the environment. In addition, carbon dioxide capture will contribute to achieving carbon neutrality of the enterprise.


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How to Cite

Kormina Л. А. ., & Zaitseva Д. С. . (2022). ABSORPTION GAS PURIFICATION OF PRODUCTION BOILER ROOMS FOR REDUCING ANTHROPOGENIC LOAD ON THE ATMOSPHERE: EDN: KUDRVP. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (2), 117–121. https://doi.org/10.25712/ASTU.2072-8921.2022.02.016

