aluminum alloys, modification, Al-Ti-B addition alloy, nucleation, electroslag casting, dispersed mechanical engineering wasteAbstract
A technological process of the manufacture of Al-Ti-B rod addition alloy by electroslag casting has been proposed and investigated. At present, in the blank production of mechanical engineering of aluminum structures, there is an acute problem of guaranteed grinding of the cast alloys structure. The Al-Ti-B addition alloy effectively copes with the solution of this problem. This addition alloy has a high modifying ability, the melt processing contributes to the formation of a fine equiaxed structure of aluminum and its alloys, what significantly increases their mechanical and casting properties. An alternative technology for producing the Al-Ti-B adittion alloy, devoid of many drawbacks of a smelting foundry technology, can be one based on the electroslag casting process to obtain compact ingots. The technological advantage of the electroslag process in the application of forming a cast billet is that the synthesis of the billet material, bringing it to a liquid state of aggregation, filling the mold with it and solidification of the synthesized material occurs continuously and simultaneously, which eliminates the many of technological redistributions inherent in traditional methods of producing a cast billet, due to the fact that these operations are separated in a smelting foundry technology. A consumable electrode is a product in the form of a rod, obtained by mouthpiece pressing a mixture of crushed raw materials. According to the proposed technology and the ratio of the initial materials in the charge composition, an experimental rod material of the Al-Ti-B addition alloy was obtained, electron-microscopic, micro-X-ray spectral studies, the stereometric structure analysis of which showed the priority interaction of titanium with boron. This circumstance determined the high quality of the modifying addition alloy, expressed in the presence in it of a predominant amount of small nucleating particles of titanium diboride
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