


Fermented milk drinks, functional nutrition, supplement


New advances in science and technology, increased health care costs, changes in food laws affecting the requirements for etiquette and products, an aging population and a growing interest in achieving well-being through functional nutrition are among the factors stimulating interest in functional foods. The growing consumer demand for healthy food has increased the demand for functional products. Currently, a large number of new functional food products are available on the market, while dairy products and beverages represent an important segment. To improve the nutraceutical properties of kefir, an appropriate approach may include enrichment with suitable components that can give the drink special and valuable properties. The research of the fermented milk product was carried out on the basis of the innovative research and testing center for collective use of the Oryol State Agrarian University. The object of the study was a fermented milk drink enriched with the additive "Iodonorm", the control sample was kefir produced in accordance with the requirements of GOST 31454-2012. A sensory evaluation of the drink was carried out; the optimal formulation of the application of the components of the drink was selected. When microcoping experimental samples, microflora typical for these types of beverages was observed, no extraneous microorganisms were detected. Thus, the results obtained indicate the expediency of using the "Iodonorm" additive in the production of fermented milk products.

The work was commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia at the expense of the federal budget in 2022 "Development of packaging solutions that ensure an increase in the shelf life of the product."


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How to Cite

Kovaleva О. А. ., Popovicheva Н. Н. ., Kireeva О. С., Lazareva Т. Н. ., & Zhuchkov С. А. (2022). IMPROVING THE FORMULATION OF A FERMENTED MILK DRINK WITH INCREASED NUTRITIONAL VALUE: EDN: BVACXP. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (2), 7–14.

