


Viburnum opulus, bioactive substances, processing, fruits, technological factors


Abstract. Obtaining bioactive substances of plant origin from local rapidly renewable raw materials is without doubt relevant for use in various industrial sectors. The fruits of Viburnum opulus which grows extensively in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Siberian Federal District were chosen as the object of the study.

Viburnum opulus fruits contain a large amount of vitamins, polyphenol compounds, pectins, tannins, as well as iridoids. During the experiment, the influence of the duration of low-temperature storage on the preservation of bioactive substances in the fruits was studied. It was established that the chosen method and preservation conditions ensure sufficient preservation of the qualitative and quantitative indicators of the raw material.

It was determined that defrosted fruits produce a higher yield of liquid phase when obtaining juice. Juice obtained from defrosted raw material retains the scent of fresh berries, has a more intense color and less bitter taste compared to freshly picked berries, while most of the bioactive compounds pass into the juice. The distribution of bioactive substances of Viburnum opulus during screw grinding and subsequent centrifugation of defrosted fruit juice was studied.

High content of vitamin C, vitamin P, anthocyans, tannins, sugars and flavonoids was detected in the juice. The high content of iridoids was registered in the pulp. This may be due to the fact that they are alcohol-soluble substances, while the main component of the juice is water. High preservation of bioactive substances during screw pressing was registered.

The results of the study of the distribution of bioactive substances during juice centrifugation show that most of the anthocyans, flavonoids and sugars are retained in the juice; the bulk of iridoids and tannins remain in the sediment. The remaining bioactive substances are distributed between the phases almost equally.

Thus, the liquid phase obtained by pressing berries can be used to produce natural juice with pulp. During pasteurization by hot filling, it is possible to obtain clarified natural juice.


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How to Cite

Shimova Ю. С. ., Ivanov В. А. ., Lis Е. В., & Fibikh Е. В. . (2022). STUDY OF TECHNOLOGICAL FACTORS DURING PROCESSING OF VIBURNUM OPULUS FRUITS : EDN: ZYLSQW. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (3), 130–135.

