Formation of flows of varietal baking triticale flour, taking into account cumulative ash content curves




тритикале, помол, мука, выход, зольность, белизна, кумулятивные кривые зольности


The results of studies of the process of formation of flows of varietal baking triticale flour are presented, taking into account the cumulative ash content curves. Triticale is a new type of cereal with high nutritional properties. The chemical composition and biochemical properties of triticale grains are typical for cereals. It has a high content of carbohydrates and protein, varying over a wide range depending on growing conditions. The protein content in triticale grain exceeds, on average, 2% protein content in wheat and 4% protein content in rye and is at the level of 12%. According to the fractional composition, triticale proteins mainly occupy an intermediate position between the proteins of rye and wheat grains. In terms of protein content, it surpasses not only rye grain, but also soft wheat grain. In the studies conducted at the Department of Grains, Baking and Confectionery Technologies of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "MGUPP", samples of triticale grains of the Donslav, Skolot, Topaz, Zymogor, Tribun and Vokaliz varieties were used as one of the promising and little studied varieties. The presence of 2 or 3 stages of the formation of triticale flour was established, which is quite clearly seen from the graphs of cumulative curves. In addition, statistical analysis showed the reliability of the presentation of the cumulative curve in the form of two or three linear stages, which ranged from 92% to 98%. Based on the analysis of cumulative ash curves, it was found that the varieties of triticale grains "Donslav", "Topaz" and "Tribun" have excellent flour-grinding properties, the varieties of triticale "Skolot" have good flour-grinding properties, and the varieties of triticale grains "Kornet" and "Vokaliz" have satisfactory flour-grinding properties.


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How to Cite

Kandrokov Р. Х., Maar М. Э., & Akhtanin С. Н. . (2022). Formation of flows of varietal baking triticale flour, taking into account cumulative ash content curves. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, 1(4), 39–47.