



wheat baking flour of the highest grade, sorghum flour, steaming, drying, hydrothermal treatment, mix-olab, rheological properties of the dough, water absorption capacity, Profiler, Simulator.


The quality of flour obtained from bare grain sorghum of the Orlovskoye variety with and without the use of hydrothermal treatment, the quality of mixtures of wheat baking flour of the highest grade and sorghum flour was studied. The rheological properties of dough from flour mixtures are investigated. Preparation of sorghum grain for flour production included purification from impurities, processing in a laboratory peeling and sanding machine, separation of products obtained after peeling and sanding: flour was isolated by passing through a wire mesh sieve No. 08, crushed core - by passing through a punching sieve with a hole diameter of 1.5 mm, the polished kernel and non-husked grains– coming off a sieve with a hole diameter of 1.5 mm, the husk was sifted on a laboratory aspirator. The ground core was crushed on a laboratory hammer mill with a built-in sieve No. 08. Hydrothermal treatment was performed before the grain peeling operation. Hydrothermal treatment included steaming the grain in a laboratory steamer and its subsequent drying in a laboratory dryer. The rheological characteristics of the test were determined on the Mixolab Chopin device (France) using the standard CHOPIN+ protocol and the Profiler system, as well as when determining the characteristics of the farinograph using the Simulator protocol.

It has been established that flour from sorghum grain that has passed the hydrothermal treatment has good organoleptic characteristics, namely: a sweet taste and a pleasant gingerbread smell, but flour from sorghum grain that has not passed the hydrothermal treatment has a lighter shade. Both types of sorghum flour mixed with wheat flour in an amount of 10% reduce the gluten content and strengthen it, reduce the activity of enzymes. At the same time, the introduction of sorghum grain flour into the flour mixture, which has passed the hydrothermal treatment, improves the rheological properties of the dough. Thus, there is an increase in the water-absorbing capacity of flour, the stability of the dough increases and its liquefaction decreases.


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How to Cite

Serebrenikova Е. С. ., & Anisimova Л. В. . (2022). QUALITY OF SORGHUM FLOUR AND RHEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF DOUGH MADE FROM A MIXTURE OF WHEAT AND SORGHUM FLOUR: EDN: LKQTWR. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (3), 71–80. https://doi.org/10.25712/ASTU.2072-8921.2022.03.010

