nanocomposite; nanothermite; polymeric binder; relative explosive forceAbstract
The common and most studied nanothermic compositions of various compositions are briefly considered and the results of an experimental comparison of the relative explosion force of mixtures of Al/MoO3 nanopowders with fluoropolymer are presented. Systems are presented, the main representatives of which are nanothermic composites for PIR automation and microinitiators. The problem of developing gas-free (low-gas), fast-burning pyrotechnic compositions based on nanothermites is considered. In the experimental part, the effect of the fluoropolymer F-42L on the relative explosion force of a pyrotechnic composition based on a thermite reaction between aluminum nanopowders (burning) and molybdenum oxide (oxidizer) is discussed. It was shown that the fluoropolymer reduces the relative explosion force of the nanocomposite, and the determining chemical reaction of the explosive transformation of the Al/MoO3/F-42L mixture is the reaction of Al with the fluoropolymer.
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