scanning electron microscope, silumin, high-entropy alloy, structure, surface, analysis, fractureAbstract
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is one of the widely used modern microscopic techniques designed to obtain visual information about the microstructure of solid-phase objects (alloys, metals, etc.). The paper presents the areas of application of a scanning electron microscope (semiconductors; biology and medicine; chemical, petrochemical, mining industries; research laboratories). Examples of analysis of various structures of materials (high-entropy alloy, silumin, fracture structure of A5M aluminum alloy) obtained using the scanning electron microscope method are given. It is shown that rounded pores (1.3±0.1 µm) are present in the microstructure of the high-entropy alloy of the Mn-Fe-Co-Cr-Ni system. The reason for the formation of pores may be the specifics of the wire-arc additive manufacturing technology. The structure of the silumin of the AL-10%SI system demonstrates a multiphase, morphologically diverse character. Irradiation with an electron beam of silumin is accompanied by melting of aluminum along the interfaces with inclusions of the second phase. The fracture of an A5M aluminum sample destroyed under fatigue conditions has an ash-gray color and a highly rough matte surface. As a result of studying the deformation characteristics of commercially pure A5M aluminum, it was found that samples of commercially pure aluminum in the initial state reach critical deformation and fail on average at 18742±654 cycles. The use of a magnetic field of 0.1 T of constant geometry leads to an increase in the number of cycles to failure by 36.8%, on ave-rage, the samples are destroyed at 25207±2349 cycles.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Yulia A. Shliarova, Vitaly V.Shlyarov, Irina A.Panchenko, Sergey V. Konovalov

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