A kinetic study of the alcoholic fermentation reaction using a pine nut shell as a packing element
fermentation reaction kinetics, integral forms of the main kinetic equation, freshly squeezed apple juice, reconstituted apple juice from concentrateAbstract
In this paper, the kinetic of the alcoholic fermentation reaction using a pine nut shell as a packing element studied. As the objects of presented study used the samples of wort containing different concentrations of the apple juice freshly pressed and clarified and reconstituted juice concentrate to desired properties. The study of kinetic carried out using integral forms of the main kinetic equation. The essence of the used method was in choice of axes suitable for describing the alcoholic fermentation process. The obtained values of the determination coefficients R2 indicate that the alcoholic fermentation reaction using pine nut shell nuzzle for samples containing mainly freshly pressed juice (samples 1 and 2) corresponds to reaction of zero order. For samples containing predominantly reconstituted juice concentrate (samples 3, 4 and 5), corresponds to reaction of first order. The use of wort in the alcohol fermentation reaction containing predominantly freshly pressed and clarified juice in an amount of at least 75% of the total wort volume (samples 1 and 2) made it possible to predict the most favorable conditions for obtaining ethyl alcohol. The rate of ethyl alcohol formation reached 0.047–0.046 vol. % at one o'clock. The time in which half of the initial substance amount reacted was 85–86 hours.
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