Influence of plant additives on quality indicators of choux pastry semi-finished product





pastry production, choux pastry, spinach, celery, powders of infrared drying, quality indicators, improv-ing of nutritional value


The research described in the paper was carried out with the purpose of development and study of choux pastry semi-finished product formulations with the use of spinach leaves and celery stalks powders of infrared (IR) drying for increasing of their nutritional value and quality indicators study. The choux pastry semi-finished product is common among Russian consumers and can be the used to produce a wide range of products with fillings on its base. Improvement of quality indicators, increase of nutritional value and decrease of energy value of choux pastry semi-finished product can be reached by different ways, including the use of different natural additives of plant origin. In current research, the powders of IR-drying of from spinach leaves and celery stalks were used. For quality indicators improving, the finishing semi-finished product craquelin was used. By mathematical modeling, it was found that the optimal amount of powders introduced both into the semi-finished product itself and into craquelin is 8.5% by weight of wheat flour. At the same time, the energy value is reduced to the maximum, dietary fiber content in 100 g of the product is more than 15% of daily norm, and the cost of raw materials per product unit does not exceed 50 rubles. The experimental samples developed according to the calculated formulations were characterized by higher sensory characteristics, shape-holding ability and increased nutritional value. As a result of the research, the practical implementation of developed formulations and technologies in specialized industries was suggested.


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How to Cite

Kopylova А. . В., Sapozhnikov А. Н., Davydenko Н. И., Levin Т. А., & Rybakolnikova И. Ю. (2023). Influence of plant additives on quality indicators of choux pastry semi-finished product: YGWJVM. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (4), 118–126.

