Water-swellable rubbers, superabsorbent polymer, packer, natural rubber, sodium carboxymethyl-cellulose, nanocellulose, physical-mechanical properties, swelling degreeAbstract
Water-swellable rubbers (WSR) are a new type of elastomeric functional materials. They have the properties of conventional elastomers and are also able to swell when in contact with liquids. WSRs have been developed based on mixtures of natural rubber (NR) and a superabsorbent polymer - sodium carboxymethylcellulose (Na-CMC), obtained by the method of liquid-phase combination of their aqueous suspensions. Investigations have been carried out on the modification of WSR based on NR/Na-CMC with nanocellulose (NC) to improve the physical and mechanical properties before and after rubber swelling in various liquid media. The ratio of polymers in their mixtures varied. Compositions were prepared on their basis in the Brabender Plasti-Corder Lab-Station mixer. Vulcanization was carried out in a hydraulic press for 12 min. at a temperature of 145 °C under a pressure of 10 MPa. The swelling of vulcanizates in distilled water, formation water, oil (Nurlatneft) was studied. The physical and mechanical properties of rubbers were determined on a tensile testing machine (INSTRON 5582 - 100kN). The rubber morphology was studied by scanning microscopy on a (JEOL-JSM-6510) instrument. An increase in the degree of swelling of WSR in liquid media and a decrease in their physical and mechanical properties with an increase in the content of Na-CMC were established. The swellability of WSR depends on the medium and is arranged in a row: distilled water > formation water > oil. The maximum swelling in distilled water (805% wt.) have WSR based on a mixture of 50 NR/48,5 Na-CMC/1,5 NC (% wt.). WSR modified with nanocellulose (2,0% wt.) have better physical and mechanical properties before and after swelling: the conditional tensile strength is 7,8 MPa (before swelling) and 3,6 MPa (after swelling) compared to unmodified WSR: 6,0 MPa - before swelling and 2,8 MPa - after swelling. An increase in the content of nanocellulose in vulcanizates leads to an increase in their hardness according to Shore A.
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