


propionic bacteria, kefir starter culture, lactic acid microorganisms, consortium


The analysis of scientific data on the use of probiotic cultures, the possibility of joint cultivation of Propionibacterium freudenreichii Sh-85 strain and kefir starter microorganisms is presented. The necessity of using propionic acid bacteria in order to increase the probiotic properties of fermented milk products is substantiated. The selection of Propionibacterium freudenreichii Sh-85 strain as a probiotic culture is based on such aspects as survival in an aggressive environment, adhesive properties, valuable production and technological properties. The main feature of propionic acid bacteria is the complex biosynthesis of metabiotics, namely vitamin B12, antimutagens, antioxidants. This enhances their valuable biochemical and probiotic properties. The most significant, from the point of view of manufacturability, the "milk" propionic bacterium is the Propionibacterium freudenreichii Sh‑85 strain, which can be used in work independently and in combination with lactic acid bacteria. It has been established that there are no antagonism and mutual competition phenomena between propionic acid bacteria and the microflora of kefir starter culture during joint cultivation. The article presents data on biotechnological and probiotic properties of consortia (combined starter cultures) with a different combination of propionic acid and lactic acid microorganisms. Kefir starter culture served as a control. In all test samples, the number of microbial cells of Propionibacterium freudenreichii Sh-85 and lactic acid bacteria reaches 109k.o.e./cm3, which clearly indicates a high density of the microbial population and a balanced growth of starter microorganisms in the consortium. The best balance of propionic acid bacteria and fungal starter culture 1:1 has been determined, taking into account biotechnological and biochemical properties, in particular, the synthesis of vitamin B12.  The resulting consortium can be recommended for further use in the biotechnology of fermented functional dairy products.


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How to Cite

Irina V. Б., Khamagaeva И. С. ., Stepochkina В. Д., & Bоbchenko В. И. . (2023). STUDY OF THE BIOCHEMICAL POTENTIAL OF MICROBIAL CONSORTIA: DTQXGM. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (1), 7–14.

