



Abstract The relevance of research is presented in accordance with the program of the state politika. The relevance of research is presented in accordance with the program of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of healthy nutrition of the population and the production of functional products. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the functional and technological properties of spirulina and to develop a recipe for a meat product enriched with spirulina.  In the process of scientific research and solving the necessary tasks, generally accepted GOST standards, standard, standardized and modified methods were used. The object of the study was spirulina powder (ORGTIMUM), model minced pork systems, meat semi-finished products in the dough. When evaluating the functional and technological properties of spirulina, the results of the chemical composition of spirulina powder were obtained: the mass fraction of protein -57%, the mass fraction of fat – 7%, the mass fraction of carbohydrates – 20%. The results of the study also showed important properties in the meat industry that this additive possesses: water-absorbing capacity - 117.8%, fat-absorbing capacity - 117.0%, the degree of swelling is 177.6%. At the same time, spirulina has no gel-forming and emulsifying ability. The addition of spirulina had a positive effect on the safety of samples of model minced pork systems after heat treatment. The data obtained confirms the technological value of this ingredient. The paper has developed a recipe for semi-finished meat products in the dough in 7 variants of the percentage ratio of spirulina powder. The highest technological, functional and organoleptic properties were shown by semi-finished products according to the developed recipe with a dose of spirulina in the filling for meat semi-finished products in the dough (dumplings) of 1%.

Keywords: vegetable raw materials, spirulina, functional and technological properties, functional meat products, meat semi-finished products


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How to Cite

Shevchenko Н. П., Kaledina М. В. ., Pavlichenko Т. С. ., Vitkovskaya В. П. ., Voloshchenko Л. В. ., & Voloshchenko Л. В. (2024). A NEW TYPE OF MEAT PRODUCT WITH SPIRULINA: PSYIJM. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (1), 84–91. https://doi.org/10.25712/ASTU.2072-8921.2024.01.011

