Influence of incline angles for separation plates on efficiency and pressure drop of multivortex separator





multivortex separator, fine particles, coaxial pipes, separation, centrifugal forces, particle capture, gas cleaning


Many industries have the problem of effective removing solid particles from gas. An original multivortex separator with coaxial pipes and inclined plates was developed to clean the dusty gas. The design of the device and the separation mechanism for the gas-dust system are described. The main forces affecting the separation of particles from gas in the device are gravitational, inertial, and centrifugal forces. In the work, the influence of the incline angle of the separation plates on the efficiency of catching particles by the device and its pressure drop is evaluated. During the numerical study, the angle of inclination of the separation plates changed from 20 to 60°, the inlet dusty gas velocity was from 3 to 10 m/s, the diameter of solid particles varied from 1 to 15 μm, the particle density was from 2500 to 4000 kg/m3. The results of the studies showed that the separation inclined plates contribute to the improved efficiency of removing particles in the device by forming spaces between adjacent plates with near-zero gas velocities (buffer zones) into which separated particles fly from the swirled dusty gas flow in the annular space, which prevents the particles from bouncing back into the carrier flow. The angle of inclination of the separation plates has been found to have a small effect on the efficiency of the multivortex separator. The most rational velocity of the dusty gas flow at the inlet to the separator is 7 m/s. The device efficiency for particles of size 1–15 μm and their density 2500–4000 kg/m3 averages 49.2%. The pressure drop of the separator is 589.5 Pa. At the inlet velocity of the gas-dust flow of 3 to 10 m/s, the pressure difference of the multivortex separator increases from 111.1 to 1245.3 Pa.


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How to Cite

Zinurov В. Э., Kharkov В. В., Nasyrova И. И., Dmitriev А. В., & Muginov А. М. (2023). Influence of incline angles for separation plates on efficiency and pressure drop of multivortex separator: XMXIPM. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (4), 249–256.




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