Aluminum alloy 7075, aluminum arc production method, structure, microhardness, X ray phase analysis.Abstract
Aluminum and aluminum are the most important and commonly used materials in the world due to their small stature, high strength, corrosion resistance and similar properties. Alloys of the 7xxx series became aluminum alloys on the basis of the new -Zn-Mg (-Cu) system. They are widely used in high performance structural aerospace and commercial applications. Studies were carried out on the structure of the alloy and specimens identified by fatigue tests. Optical and scanning electron microscopy methods have shown that microcracks are present in the initial material after fatigue tests, which subsequently lead to the destruction of the samples. A study of Vickers microhardness found that the obtained values have minimal deviations and the aluminum alloy has a uniform microhardness. Using the methods of modern physical materials science,it is shown that the grain sizes of the structure of the resulting alloy vary within 5–30 µm. It is shown that in the microstructure of aluminum alloy 7075, obtained by the wire-arc additive method, there are rounded formation pores, which may be the technology of a specific surfacing process.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Dmitry N. Labunsky, Irina A. Panchenko, Sergey V. Konovalov, Vladislav K. Drobyshev, Danil A. Bessonov

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