nanocrystalline films, structural and thermal stresses, magnetic anisotropy and coercive force, film magnetsAbstract
The hysteresis properties of R40Fe60 (R – Tb or Sm) nanocrystalline films obtained by thermal evaporation and condensation in a vacuum of 3∙10-6 Torr on substrates of different materials (glass, glass-ceramic, mica (muscovite), aluminum, NaCl cleavage) were studied at different substrate temperature. The influence of the conditions of preparation and annealing on the phase composition of the films, as well as their internal structural and thermal stresses, is studied. The possibility of formation of magnetic anisotropy and certain hysteresis parameters of films by controlling the level of their structural and thermal stresses is established. Tb-Fe films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, sufficiently high coercive force, and residual magnetization suitable for use as film magnets have been obtained.150-200 words, includes the relevance of the research topic, results and key conclusions.
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