Annotation. The process of crystallization of water subjected to the influence of a high-frequency electromagnetic field with a frequency of 30-200 MHz has been studied. Melt water obtained by melting ice was chosen as the object of influence, and the size of the ice core during water crystallization was chosen as the object of response. An additional factor was the water holding time after field exposure, which ranged from 0 to 21 days. A comparison of the effectiveness of the field impact with the previously obtained results, where distilled water was used as the object of impact, was carried out. Comparison of the results revealed a significant difference in the perception of the high-frequency field by water of different origin. The maximum coincidence of dependences is observed for frequencies of 200 and 60 MHz. The largest discrepancy is for all other frequencies 30, 90, 110, 140 and 170 MHz. for a frequency of 170 MHz, there is a significant differentiation in changes in the core size: for short times, changes are significant for distilled water, for maximum times, for melted water. Approximately the same dependence is observed in the case of a frequency of 90 MHz. While for a frequency of 140 MHz, slight changes are observed at short exposure times after field exposure and very significant changes at the maximum period - 21 days. For a frequency of 110 MHz, melt water showed a very weak response to field exposure, compared to distilled water. Such a significant differentiation of the results of field exposure for melt water and distillate, apparently, is a consequence of the complex internal organization of both distilled and melt water. An explanation of the observed dependences is proposed, which is based on the modern understanding of the polymorphic idea of the structural
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