aluminum, avial, scandium, nano-particles, thermal treatment, transmission microscopyAbstract
The study addresses the effect of multistage thermal treatment on microstructure formation in silicon-rich Al-Mg-Si system alloys with scandium and zirconium additions. The study focuses on 0.6Mg1Si0.15Zr0.3Sc alloy and its base version 0.6Mg1Si. 0.6Mg1Si0.15Zr0.3Sc has been subjected to three-stage thermal treatment. It aimed at precipitating Al3ScZr particles from super-saturated solid solution, silicon-magnesium intermetallic compounds dissolution and β'' particles precipitation during artificial aging. 0.6Mg1Si base alloy was subjected to the typical for avails treatment, including two stages. The purpose of the first stage was silicon-containing intermetallic compounds dissolution, while the second stage aimed at β'' precipitation. After each thermal treatment stage the microstructure was examined by transmission and scanning microscopy, and microhardness was measured. Results analysis demonstrated up to 10µm (AlSi)3Sc-type intermetallic compounds formation during 0.6Mg1Si0.15Zr0.3Sc alloy crystallization. Besides, (AlSi)3Sc particles, represented by 40 nm long and 10 nm diameter needle-shaped coherent dispersoids, form during discontinuous decomposition in the process of as-cast workpiece cooling down. Limited amount of (AlSi)3Sc coherent dispersoids, having no significant effect on strength properties change, forms during the first stage of thermal treatment. Further short-term hardening does not result in silicon and scandium containing intermetallic compounds dissolution. Therefore, during artificial aging less β'' particles precipitate in 0.6Mg1Si0.15Zr0.3Sc alloy, compared to 0.6Mg1Si, having higher level of aluminum solid solution super-saturation with silicon atoms.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Evgenii V. Aryshenskii, Maksim A. Lapshov, Dmitriy Yu. Rasposienko, Sergei V. Konovalov, Kirill A. Malkin, Vladimir V. Makarov

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