цеолит, сорбционный материал, очистка воды, металлы, эффективность сорбции, активация, этапыAbstract
The article shows that metal purification using natural zeolites is actively used to achieve the required water quality. Zeolite-containing rock of the Tatarsko-Shatrashansky deposit was chosen as a natural zeolite for water purification from metal cations. Analysis of the composition of zeolite-containing rock of the Tatarsko-Shatrashansky deposit revealed a significant content of impurities, mainly calcium compounds and products of organic origin. Acid treatment allows to modify the chemical composition and structure of zeolite. The use of complex physical and chemical activation of the rock, including mechanical, thermal and acid treatment, allows to increase the adsorption characteristics of natural material. A series of experiments on activation and estimation of sorption capacity of zeolite of Tatarsko-Shatrashansky deposit was carried out. Acid activation of zeolite was carried out after removal of impurities of organic matter and pore water. The paper presents the results of weighing of experimental samples at different stages of the study. The sorption efficiency of individual samples of zeolite-containing rock activated by acid solutions of different concentrations in relation to combined solutions was evaluated. The obtained results made it possible to take into account the peculiarities of zeolite-containing rock and adapt the methods of purification and activation to a specific type of zeolite, as well as to calculate the relative adsorption capacity in relation to aqueous solutions of cadmium, lead, zinc, copper, nickel and manganese. The results of the experiments allow us to justify the use of zeolite of the Tatarsko-Shatrashansky deposit as a material for solving the problems of wastewater treatment of industrial enterprises from metal cations.
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