. Results of an experimental research of a temperature increase of model water suspensions of hexachlorineethane (HCE) at their processing in setup with multicylinder rotor-stator system (RSS) are presented. The laboratory-scale setup description, RSS and conducting techniques of researches according to heating 1 and 4% water suspensions of HCE is resulted at their hydromechanical processing. For two values of corrected speeds of RSS rotor (33,3 and 45,8s-1), and also for two values of a radial clearance between rotor and stator cylinders (0,1·10-3 and 1·10-3m) experimental data on increase in temperature of modeling suspensions are gained. In the assumption, that all mechanical energy brought to the processed medium passes in thermal and heat exchange with a circumambient is absent, the settlement estimation of suspension heating is executed. It is shown, that at increase in a corrected speed of RSS rotor and concentration of suspension, rate of its heating increases. Decrease of magnitude of a radial clearance between rotor and stator cylinders promotes a considerable warming up of suspension. Satisfactory convergence settlement and experimental data on heating of suspensions is noted. The gained data can be useful at designing of the equipment for processing of systems "liquid-solid".
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Copyright (c) 2024 Mikhail S. Vasilishin, Oleg S. Ivanov, Anatoly G. Karpov, Alexandra A. Antonnikova

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