electron beam alloying, diffusion alloying, boriding in pastes, borides, alloy steel, microstructure, microhard-ness, plasticity.Abstract
Abstract. The required physical, thermal and mechanical properties of metal products can be ensured by forming protective boron-containing coatings and diffusion layers on their surface. In current study, a comparative analysis of two processes for applying a boride layer to the surface of 3Kh2V8F alloy steel - diffusion boriding (DB) in saturating pastes and electron beam alloying (EBA) - was carried out. In both cases, pastes based on boron carbide were used as a source of boron. Diffusion boriding was carried out for 2 hours at a temperature of 1050 ℃ in saturating pastes. Electron beam alloying was carried out on the basis of a modernized electron source with a plasma cathode based on a low-pressure arc discharge. The discharge current was varied during a 1 ms pulse, within the range of 40–90 A, so that the temperature on the surface of the sample was maintained at ~2000°C after the start of 200 μs exposure. The surface of the samples was subjected to three pulses with the interval of 3 seconds. As a result of DB, the boride layers up to 60 µm thick were obtained on the surface of 3Kh2V8F steel. After EBA, the layer thickness was twice as high and reached 130 µm. It has been established that after DB and EBA, iron borides Fe2B and FeB were formed on the steel surface. The maximum microhardness of the boride layers was 1120 HV and 1015 HV after DB and EBA, respectively. Surface alloying with the pulsed electron beam leads to the formation of the thick boride layer in a short period of time. At the same time, the phase composition was identical to the layer after DB, and the microhardness of the layers after both processes was comparable.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Undrakh L. Mishigdorzhiyn, Pavel A. Gulyashinov, Stepan A. Lysykh, Nikolay S. Ulakhanov, Pavel V. Moskvin, Maxim S. Vorob'yev

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