



henomeles fruit, extract, wheat flour, gluten, yeast, bakery products.


The creation of food products rich in biologically active substances is an important task at the present stage of Russia's development. Bakery products are popular among all age groups of the population, which makes them a promising object for enrichment. Henomeles is a promising species that combines in its composition the necessary amount of pectin substances, organic acids, phenolic compounds, vitamins and is characterized by a stable and pleasant taste and aroma. The objects of research were: extract from the fruits of henomeles, composite mixture, test semi-finished products, recipe models of bakery products. The extract from the fruits of henomeles is promising for baking from the position of solving a number of problems of the industry. Studies have confirmed that the introduction of an extract from the fruits of henomeles strengthens gluten, which indicates the possibility of using this additive in the technology of bakery products made of flour with weak gluten. The positive effect of the extract from the fruits of henomeles on the vital activity and fermentation activity of yeast and the intensity of maturation of bakery semi-finished products has been established. It is proved that the use of an extract from the fruits of henomeles can increase the titratable acidity by 25-30%, which reduces the duration of fermentation of the dough. According to the results of the evaluation of physico-chemical and organoleptic quality indicators of bread products with the addition of an extract from henomeles, it was determined that the optimal addition is 15% of the additive. The samples have a beautiful texture, a pleasant taste and aroma of henomeles.


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How to Cite

Sanzharovskaya Н. С. ., & Sokol Н. В. . . (2024). EXPEDIENCY OF USING AN EXTRACT FROM FRUITS OF HENOMELES IN TECHNOLOGY OF WHEAT BREAD: AQUFGU. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (2), 19–26. https://doi.org/10.25712/ASTU.2072-8921.2024.02.003

