plant-based product, fermented oatmeal powder, lactic acid microorganisms, fermentation, pasteurization, plant proteinsAbstract
The problem of food allergy (PA) is relevant in the territory of the Russian Federation and other countries, which is confirmed by medical and sociological studies and the adoption of regulatory documents obliging manufacturers to indicate allergens on product labeling. In the list of food allergens on the territory of the Russian Federation, cow's milk and products based on it are one of the leaders in the frequency of PA manifestations. In this regard, the development of plant products with lactic acid microorganisms is relevant. The work carried out studies to substantiate the technological parameters of the production of a plant product based on fermented oatmeal powder and sunflower protein using microorganisms Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus. The work was carried out in two stages. At the first stage, the degree of influence of pasteurization regimes on the rate of acid formation during fermentation was studied. It was revealed that an increase in the pasteurization temperature from 80 to 90°C increases the rate of acid formation of the analyzed plant mixtures.
At the second stage, the influence of the pasteurization temperature and the mass fraction of pectin on the qualitative characteristics of the plant fermented product and the development of lactic acid microorganisms was determined. It was shown that, regardless of the studied pasteurization temperature of plant mixtures (from 80 to 90°C) and the mass fraction of pectin (from 1.0 to 1.5%), the number of lactic acid microorganisms in all obtained samples of plant products it was at least 1.0×·107 CFU/g.
Based on the data obtained, pasteurization modes of the reduced plant mixture based on fermented oatmeal powder and sunflower protein are proposed, depending on the method of production of fermented plant drinks: pasteurization at a temperature of 85 ± 2°C followed by 10 minutes (for enterprises using a periodic production method); pasteurization at a temperature of 90±2°C with no exposure (for in-line production).
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Copyright (c) 2024 Marina N. Al'shevskaya, Oksana V. Anistratova, Oksana V. Kazimirchenko, Anastasiya A. Kochina

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