Registration Rules

Article volume 5 pages (in consultation with the editorial Board, allowed articles 3 to 10 pages) with the UDC, the summary of 3–5 sentences and key words in Russian (at the beginning of the text) with the application in a separate translation file title, abstract, names of authors and keywords in English, as well as information about authors (academic degree, title and affiliation, Email and / or phone contact) must meet the following requirements: Works are accepted in Microsoft Word. In the tab "page Layout: use the paper size A4, orientation portrait. Margins: top – 3.5 cm; bottom – 2.5 cm; left – 2.5 cm; right – 2.5 cm; gutter – 0 cm; In the dialogue "Column", "Other columns" is selected the text arranged in two columns, set column width – 7,65 cm, the interval between them is 0.7 cm.

In the "Insert" tab, select "header" as "Empty", then the tab "Design", insert "headers and footers" – first page and different odd and even pages. The header and footer from edge: upper – 2,0 cm; bottom – 2,0 cm. The header specifies: on the title page – "special header"; on even pages – surname and initials of the author (Arial, 10 PT, capital letters); on odd pages – the title of the article (Chapter) Arial, 10 PT, caps). The page numbering is done in the font size "Arial", 12 points, italic. Location-numbering — at the bottom of the page in the footer, even pages the align left, odd on the right.

The structure of the article should contain:

  • UDC (placing in the top left corner of the document);
  • Titles of articles should be typed in capital letters (font "Arial", font size – 14 PT, bold) in the center of the document;
  • The initials and surnames of authors are placed under the title of the article (font "Arial", the font size of the text 12 PT);
  • Abstract (font "Arial", font size of 10 points, the red line – 0,8 cm, line spacing single);
  • 3–5 sentences that reflect the relevance, purpose, research methods, results;
  • Keywords (at least 5);
  • The main text (the main text uses a font called "Arial", the font size of main text is 10 points, the red line – 0,8 cm, line spacing "single");
  • List of references (Arial font, size 9 points) shall be in accordance with APA Style;
  • Information about authors (Full Name, scientific degree, title, affiliation, е-mail and / or telephone number).


To create formulas and tables use built-in features of Microsoft Word. Drawings in digital format (electronic form) are created using Microsoft Word or other programs and inserted in the proper place in the document.

The size of images should not exceed the limits of the page margins of the main text of the document including figure captions. The drawings are not edited by the publishing house. If the image width exceeds the column size, it is necessary to put a section break on the current page in front of image and after it and position the picture in the beginning or at the end of the page.

Drawings, inscriptions and objects Microsoft Word should move along with the text, i.e., not over text!

When you receive the seal required the presence of the hard copy (hard copy of the manuscript signed by all authors on the last page, or if the page is completely filled with text on the backside) and expert opinion! To publish articles, previously unpublished and not submitted for publication in other journals. Articles selected for publication in the journal are closed review. The author has the right to propose two reviewers on the scientific direction of his research.

Papers are submitted in Russian and English languages. The electronic version of the publication in the text editor Microsoft Word (for the .doc .docx) by e-mail at or Submissions.

The file name is formed from the surnames and initials of the first author (for example, "IvanovАА.doc). If several articles, to the file name using an underscore is appended sequence number (for example, "IvanovАА_1.doc").

Be sure to attach files with scans of the following documents to the letter: the  authors’ consent  and an expert opinion.

Attached is a consent to the processing of personal data.