
  • Darya R. Chervotkina Samara State Тechnical University
  • Anna V. Abaeva Samara State Тechnical University



sodium alginate, edible coatings, transparency, microstructure, vapor perme-ability, flavonoids, phenolic substances, antioxidant properties


Recently, consumer demand for food products with a long shelf life has been growing. The limiting shelf life factor is the oxidation process in the products. To solve this problem, active packaging is currently being developed and improved. It is based on the inclusion of substances in the packaging material that have antioxidant, antimicrobial or absorbent properties. One of the plants with a rich antioxidant composition is common tansy (Tanacetum vulgare L.). The purpose of this study is to obtain and study packaging materials based on bacterial cellulose and tansy extract. A large number of phenolic compounds (1338.8 mg/100 g) and flavonoids (716.4 mg/ 100 g) were found in tansy extract, and high antiradical activity (Ec50 5.5 mg/ml) was also established. During the work, 4 samples of edible coatings with different bacterial cellulose content were obtained (5 %, 10 %, 15 %, 20 %). All products are quite transparent, slightly yellowish shade, due to the presence of tansy extract in their composition. As a result, it was proved that Tansy extract is advisable to use to create a packaging material with antioxidant properties in combination with bacterial cellulose as an immobilization matrix. The film with a 20% bacterial cellulose content became the best coating in terms of physico-chemical parameters. Further experiments are needed to create films in order to reduce the number of bubbles, achieve a more attractive appearance of coatings and improve their physico-chemical parameters.


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How to Cite

Chervotkina Д. Р. ., & Abaeva А. В. (2024). FOOD FILM WITH BACTERIAL CELLULOSE AND TANSY EX-TRACT: UYKOAS. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (3), 47–54.

