


epoxy polymers, chemical resistance, rice and buckwheat husk, ash, porosity, gel fraction


 Epoxy materials are often in operating conditions exposed to aggressive media, the most typical of which are water, aqueous solutions of acids, alkalis and salts. These aggressive media have a small size of molecules, which allows them to penetrate into the defective zones of the network structure, as well as into the pore space of the fillers used. Promising fillers for epoxy polymers are products of processing of rice and buckwheat husks, which significantly improve the complex of basic operational properties of materials and are large-tonnage vegetable waste from agriculture. It has been established that regardless of the type of vegetable filler used, the type of aggressive liquids and the test time, there is a natural increase in the mass of samples of epoxy materials. The filling of epoxy composites with buckwheat and rice husks leads to an increase in their swelling in all studied aggressive liquids compared to the base composition.

The use of buckwheat husk as an ash filler reduces the stability of epoxy materials in all studied aggressive environments, due to a decrease in the density of their spatial network. This effect increases with increasing ash production temperature, due to an increase in its porosity. The use of rice husk ash as a filler causes greater chemical resistance of epoxy materials than the filling of buckwheat husk ash. The least swelling of epoxy materials occurs when rice husk ash obtained at 500 °C are used as filler. This is due to its relatively lower porosity, the absence of large pores (macropores) and the low content of the organic phase. Thus, the stability of filled epoxy materials in aggressive environments depends on the density of their network structure, the volume and pore size of the fillers used, and the content of the organic phase in their composition.


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How to Cite

Valeeva А. Р., Gotlib Е. М. ., Yamaleeva Е. С. ., Gimranova А. Р. ., & Ntsoumou Р. Ш. . (2022). NFLUENCE OF FILLERS PRODUCED ON THE BASIS OF GRAIN PROCESSING WASTE ON THE CHEMICAL RESISTANCE OF EPOXY MATERIALS: EDN: TYTOQQ. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (3), 222–229.




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