


Dairy whey, secondary raw materials, quantitative analysis, world market structure, European Union, Russian Federation


The dairy industry produces millions of tons of milk whey annually. To date, the statistics on the production of milk whey varies greatly, which does not allow us to give a full assessment of the real volume of its production. The discrepancy of statistical data of different international analytical agencies is connected with absence of standardized algorithms of calculation, discrepancies in commodity nomenclature classification and influence of secondary raw milk accounting peculiarities. Proceeding from that the purpose of the research was to apply quantitative analysis as an alternative approach to estimate the volumes of secondary raw materials production. The article contains the data on the production volumes of milk whey in the aspect of world, European and Russian markets. The largest producers of milk whey are the countries which are in EU (75,98 mln t), USA (35,83 mln t) and Russian Federation (7,97 mln t). It is expected that the positive tendencies in world consumption of cheese and cottage cheese in three years perspective will result in growth of whey production volume by 6,4 mln t. Analysis of structure of Russian market of dairy whey showed the dominance of saturated and curd whey with annual production volume of 4,15 and 3,82 mln t respectively. In addition, as a result of studies a number of secondary products with similar technological parameters of production with milk whey, but not covered by the terminological apparatus of TR CU 033/2013 "On safety of milk and dairy products" was detected and they comprise about 20% of the total production volume of milk whey in the Russian Federation.


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How to Cite

Kruchinin А. Г., Bigaeva А. В., Turovskaya С. Н., & Illarionova Е. Е. (2022). CURRENT STATE OF THE MARKET OF SECONDARY RAW MATERIAL RESOURCES OF THE DAIRY INDUSTRY: EDN: UHSMMD. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, 1(4), 140–148.