


lamb, meat product, sausage, pumpkin, chickpeas, plant complex, nutritional value


Meat products occupy an important place in the diet of a modern person, they fill the human need for essential amino acids and proteins of animal origin. A wide range of offered meat products, presented in retail chains, must be constantly expanded with products from local meat and vegetable raw materials. The development of meat sheep breeding and the increase in the volume of exported Russian mutton forms the prerequisites for expanding the processing technologies and production of meat products based on it. The original recipes of mutton-based meat products make it possible to use this type of meat raw material more widely in the food industry. The release of finished meat products to the market will provide an opportunity to enrich the diets with new authentic meat products. The developed recipe for the sausage product "Khanskaya" by scientists of the Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikov is supplemented with an innovative technology for enriching the meat product with a vegetable pumpkin-chickpea complex. Manufactured prototypes of the product with 10% and 15% addition of the plant complex were  studied in the laboratory conditions of the university. An assessment of the food, biological, energy value of the samples was carried out; the content of moisture and table salt was investigated. Based on the evaluation results, conclusions were drawn about a higher content of useful substances in experimental sample 2 compared to sample 1 and control: the protein content increased by 17.9% and 11.6%, respectively. In addition, in experimental samples 1 and 2, vitamins appeared that were not in the control sample: B3 in the amount of 1.1 mg and 1.2 mg; E in the amount of 1.0 mg and 1.2 mg; PP in the amount of 2.6 mg and 2.84 mg, respectively. The results of the organoleptic evaluation showed that due to the introduction of the plant complex into the original recipe of the «Khanskaya» sausage, the prototypes had the best quality characteristics. On the basis of the conducted research, conclusions were drawn about the broad prospects for the use of lamb as a basic meat raw material for finished products.


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How to Cite

Fedotova Г. В. ., Natyrov А. К. ., Bolaev Б. К. ., & Konieva О. Н. . (2022). IMPROVEMENT OF QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF LAMB MEAT PRODUCTS: EDN: RYCTNA. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, 1(4), 106–113.