polymer composite material, polymer-polymer composite materials, composite, ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene, borpolymerAbstract
The paper considers the influence of a borpolymer in a viscous state on the mechanical, tribological and thermodynamic properties of polymer-polymer composite materials based on ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene. The results obtained are substantiated and supplemented by studies of the structure of composites by IR spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The borpolymer was dissolved using an organic solvent based on an epoxy anhydride binder. Analysis using IR spectroscopy showed that the solvent mainly contains epoxy, formaldehyde, aldehyde, and hydroxyl groups. The polymer powder and the weighed portion of the borpolymer were mixed in a paddle mixer, and then the resulting mixtures were processed by hot pressing to obtain composites. The results of studying the properties of samples indicate that the introduction of borpolymer in a viscous state leads to an increase in mechanical properties. It is noted that composites containing borpolymer are characterized by an increase in tensile strength by 44% and an increase in elasticity modulus by 62% relative to the initial polymer. The results obtained are explained by structural studies. The supramolecular structure of comporites at lower botpolymer contents is characterized by the formation of a spherulite structure. An increase in the concentration of the borpolymers in polymer matrix leads to loosening and disordering of the structure (“amorphization”). This is confirmed by studies using differential scanning calorimetry, in which a decrease in the degree of crystallinity by 7-12% and a decrease in the enthalpy of melting by 6-12% relative to the polymer matrix was noted. Tribological tests show a decrease in the coefficient of friction by 21%, which is due to the influence of borpolymer as a lubricant in friction processes, facilitating the sliding of the material over the surface of the steel counterbody. The morphology of the friction surface and IR spectra confirm the results obtained, since the borpolymer actively participates in tribochemical processes with the formation of a secondary structure on the friction surface of the composite.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Sakhayana N. Danilova, Elene S. Efimova, Nadezhda N.Lazareva, Aitalina A. Okhlopkova, Aleksei G. Tuisov

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