Nutrient profile of dogwood fruits (Сornus mas L.)
Keywords: cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L.), chemical composition, ascorbic acid, polyphenols, an-thocyanins, mineral elements.Abstract
Abstract. The work reflects the studies of macro- and micronutrient composition of fruits of promising varieties of dogwood genetic collection of non-traditional horticultural crops of I.V. Michurin Federal Scientific Center. The study of the chemical composition of fruits was carried out on the instrumental and analytical base of the laboratory of biochemistry and food technologies and the laboratory of advanced postharvest technologies in accordance with standard methods. The composition of phenolic components was studied using the HPLC method. High palatability and moderate acidity of fruits were observed in the variety Brodovskiy yellow. The highest content of ascorbic acid is characterized by the elite seedling 29-00 (64.5 mg/100 g), cultivar Novy Large (59.7 mg/100 g). The high total content of anthocyanins is characterized by the elite seedling 29-00 (100.5 mg/100 g), varieties Byłda (94.5 mg/100 g), Stryisky (98.6 mg/100 g). Potassium cations accumulated between 119.46-263.83 mg/100 g, sodium 0.73-3.15 mg/100 g, magnesium 11.03-15.53 mg/100 g, calcium 30.33-46.69 mg/100 g. Fruits of dogwood varieties Abbot and Nikolka 2 are characterized by the predominance of Cy3Gala in the anthocyanin complex, and fruits of Nakhodka and Volgograd pear-shaped varieties - Pg3Gala. It was shown that the structural composition of flavonols does not change depending on genetic differences and cultivation conditions of varieties. The main flavonols are: quercetin 3-glucuronide, kaempferol 3-galactoside and quercitin 3-rutinoside. In-depth study of the nutritional and biological value of dogwood fruits makes it possible to make recommendations for their fresh consumption and technological processing.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Mikhail Yu. Akimov, Tatiana V. Zhidekhina, Yekaterina V. Zhbanova, Vladimir А. Koltsov, Aleksey M. Mironov

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