qualimetric methods, quality, functional products, generalized indicatorAbstract
Annotation. Currently, the development and production of products with a therapeutic effect that can prevent the development of alimentary-dependent diseases is an important task for many food industry enterprises. However, not all of these products have competitiveness and high consumer properties in relation to traditional products. To achieve the necessary result, it is necessary to understand the quality level of the products from the consumer's point of view. Qualimetric methods are used to evaluate the product from this point of view. In the work to study the quality level of cookies for the prevention of the development of diseases of the visual system. In the article, a "tree of properties" was formed, on the basis of which a sociological survey was conducted to establish the most important indicators for the consumer, taking into account his understanding of the functional properties of the product. Based on the results, weight coefficients were calculated for the most significant characteristics. As a result of expert evaluation.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Olga A. Orlovtseva, Maria V. Chubarova, Igor A. Nikitin, Svetlana N. Tefikova, Maria V. Klokonos

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