


acid bacteria, lactococci, lactococcus spp., collection of microorganisms, strain passports, bacterial starter cultures, variant of bacterial starter culture, fermented dairy products, lactic acid fermentation, cheese


The object of the study is newly isolated strains of lactococci. The purpose of the work is to replenish the collection fund of the "Siberian Collection of Microorganisms" (SCM) with lactococci with technologically valuable properties. Generally accepted methods of microbiological and biochemical analysis were used in the work. The main morphological-cultural, physiological-biochemical and technologically valuable properties of lactobacilli isolated in 2016-2022 from natural sources (raw cow's milk, goat's milk) have been studied, passports have been compiled for 166 strains of lactococci. The strain passport includes the name, number, method of preparation, method of strain identification, morphological-cultural, physiological-biochemical and technological properties, scope of application and depositor. In 2022 a bacterial starter culture has been developed for the production of fermented dairy products (TU 10.89.19-099-71220805-2022), including strains of mesophilic lactococci isolated during 2019, and probiotic microorganisms from the collection of SCM - Lb. acidophilus, Lb. plantarum, B. adolescentis. The new bacterial starter culture includes 6 variant for the production of various fermented dairy products: cheese, curd, sour cream, fermented milk drinks and probiotic products. A variant of the starter culture BZ-Lactis Pl was tested in the production of cheese. The finished cheese "Pladolens" according to organoleptic indicators was rated at 97 points, the taste and smell of semihard cheese is pronounced cheesy, slightly sour, the consistency of the dough is elastic slightly dense, the pattern on the cheese section throughout the mass is uneven, irregular slit-shaped, the color of the dough is yellow. Thus, the isolation of promising strains of lactococci with technologically valuable properties and the creation of new bacterial preparations for the dairy industry will contribute to solving the problem of starter culture that has developed in Russia.


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How to Cite

Dorofeev Р. В., Kuznetsova Т. Н. ., Ott Е. Ф. . ., & Funk И. А. . (2023). ISOLATION OF LACTOCOCCI PROMISING FOR THE DAIRY INDUSTRY: BSYIGI. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (4), 24–28.

