triticale, torn and grinding systems, flour flow, quantity and quality of gluten, protein content, bran.Abstract
The actual directions of development of one of the most important branches of the processing industry - flour milling - are both the improvement of technologies for processing traditional crops (wheat and rye) and the development of new technologies for processing non-traditional crops, such as triticale. The purpose of the presented studies is a comparative assessment of the distribution of protein and gluten content of individual flows of triticale flour obtained from different varieties of triticale grains during varietal milling. According to the results of the experiments, all 12 flows of triticale flour obtained by varietal grinding of all 6 presented samples of triticale grains have a different amount of gluten and total protein content. It was revealed that the triticale flour obtained on the 2 nd grinding system has the highest gluten content, and the flow of triticale flour obtained on the 1st torn system has the lowest gluten content for all the presented triticale grain samples. At the same time, the flow of flour from the triticale grain of the Skolot variety, which amounted to 26.6 %, differs in the maximum gluten content, and the flow of flour from the triticale grain of the Tribun variety, which amounted to 19.6 %, has the lowest gluten content. It was revealed that the highest content of total protein was found in stream No. 12 of triticale flour from grain of the Donslav variety, obtained on a grinding system, which amounted to 24.5 %, and the lowest content of total protein in individual streams was found when grinding grain of triticale of the Consul variety in stream No. 12, obtained on the grinding system, which amounted to only 12.7 %, which is almost two times lower compared to the same flow of flour from Donslav variety triticale grain.
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