
  • Gennady V. Alekseev ITMO National Research University
  • Alexey P. Saveliev ITMO National Research University
  • Artyom A. Birchenko ITMO National Research University
  • Elena N. Ivleva ITMO National Research University




экструзионная обработка, кукурузный модифицированный крахмал, осевое перемещение сырья, перфорирование витков шнека


Starch is the main representative of carbohydrates that make up more than 70% of the human diet. This substance is considered the most important of the reserves of carbohydrate compounds of vegetable raw materials. It is called the most widely known plant nutrient. Products derived from it or based on it play a major role in the production of consumer goods. These products are widely used not only in the food industry in the preparation of confectionery, bakery or food concentrate products, but are also successfully used in such areas as the production of printing, leather or pharmaceutical products. It is also indispensable in the production of canning, dairy and meat processing enterprises. Only the product range of starch and treacle production has hundreds of names and is continuously expanding. A large number of crops are used as the main raw material for the production of starch and starch products, among which corn occupies a prominent place. In addition to native starch, a wide range of dextrins and modified starches are available. Starch grains are known to consist of two fractions: amylose and amylopectin. The content of amylose in industrial varieties of corn ranges from about 20%, amylopectin – 80%. Some varieties of corn contain up to 70% amylose. One of the most advanced methods for producing modified starches, which can be used in food production with almost no restrictions, is the extrusion method. In most types of extrusion, they strive to create such working conditions of the equipment that would contribute to the possible complete destruction of starch grains. If varietal separation is possible, for other equal conditions, large grains are more completely destroyed, and small grains are not destroyed so intensively under the same conditions. The processes of destruction of starch grains are highly dependent on the type and content of modifying additives in the total mass. The presence, for example, of various fatty components or protein compounds in the extruded mixture reduces the effect of some starch grains on others and prevents them from directly rubbing against the screw blades. This often leads to a decrease in the degree of swelling of the resulting product. Thus, the selection of the composition of the mixture is individual in each case and requires the choice of rational modes of the extrusion process. In this paper, we propose an extrusion model with an intensification of the axial movement of raw materials to produce modified corn starch. The proposed design of the extruder allows you to obtain a product with a wide range of specified consumer properties.


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How to Cite

Alekseev Г. В., Saveliev А. П., Birchenko А. А. ., & Ivleva Е. Н. . (2024). POSSIBILITIES OF IMPROVING QUALITY OF EXTRUDED CORN STARCHES: QXYLOC. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (3), 55–61. https://doi.org/10.25712/ASTU.2072-8921.2024.03.008

