Jerusalem artichoke, alcohol technology, dispersed fraction, secondary raw materials, extrusion, quality indicators, instant productsAbstract
The prospects of processing Jerusalem artichoke into alcohol and its use in other bioconversion technologies have been shown by many studies. The actual task is the utilization of the generated by-products. The aim of the work was to study the influence of the moisture content of mixtures of rice cereal and 6% of the dried dispersed fraction of Jerusalem artichoke as by-product of alcohol technology on extrusion modes, technological parameters of extrudates considered as the basis for instant products. The resulting extrudates were evaluated according to the following qualitative characteristics: expansion index, bulk density, hardness, number of microfractures, color characteristics in the CIE Lab system, solubility, swelling. The results showed that key extrusion indicators increased with a decrease in moisture of mixture from 20% to 12.5%: the extrusion temperature - from 155 to 170 ° C, pressure - from 2.0 to 4.0 MPa, torque - from 48 to 80%, and specific mechanical energy - by 67% from 0.109 to 0.182 kW·h/kg. The level of moisture content correlated with the bulk density of extrudates and their hardness, which increased from 73.5 to 227.2 g/dm3 and from 4.4 to 41.7 N, respectively with an increase in moisture content from 12.5 to 20%. An inverse correlation was noted for other indicators: the number of microfractures decreases from 11.8 to 4.7, the expansion coefficient from 13.7 to 4.1, the swelling index from 10.4 to 7.2 cm3/g and solubility from 80 to 49%. The dynamic viscosity of extrudate suspensions simulating the preparation of instant porridges in domestic conditions decreased from 3.3 to 2.0 Pa s with a decrease in moisture content. It has been established that the introduction of a dispersed fraction of Jerusalem artichoke increases the porosity of the product and changes the color characteristics of the samples. Research has shown the prospects of using the dispersed fraction of Jerusalem artichoke in the extrusion technology of instant products in order to increase the content of dietary fiber.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Anton Y. Sharikov, Maria V. Amelyakina, Viktor V. Ivanov, Mikhail V. Turshatov, Alexander O. Solovyov, Irina M. Abramova
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