
  • Dmitry V. Chashchilov Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science "Institute of Problems of Chemical and Energy Technologies" of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPHET SB RAS)




heat treatment, steaming, humidification, rejuvenation, processing mode, buckwheat groats, buckwheat flour, periodic steamer, temperature.


When producing buckwheat and buckwheat flour, hydrothermal treatment (HTT) is used. For HTT, moisture-thermal treatment is used - steaming and drying or moistening with dampening. When moistened with defoliation, the protein composition of the grain is more fully preserved, and the technological process is easier to implement. Steaming allows you to ensure the technological properties of buckwheat grain - the strength and elasticity of the kernel during peeling. Various steaming modes regulate the consumer and nutraceutical properties of the future product - color, storage, digestibility, etc. When steaming, various coolants are used - saturated or superheated water vapor, hot air. Substandard buckwheat raw materials - raw, dry, overwintered under snow, can also be processed into a standard product using modified HTT methods. Processing modes - exposure duration and temperature - vary depending on the purpose of the final product - commercial cereals, flour. Buckwheat grain has nutraceutical potential for use as a functional product, possessing antioxidant properties, which can be provided by specific HTT regimes. Capacitive periodic steamers with a heating surface and others are used as technological equipment. The process and devices of continuous steaming are investigated. The possibilities of using buckwheat hulls, a typical waste product from buckwheat grain processing, are generalized.


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