


mousse, foaming ability, buttermilk, feijoa, structure-forming agents of vegetable origin, kappa-carrageenan, formulation, quality and safety indicators


Among the population of various age groups, especially children, sweet dishes with a whipped structure are very popular, the quality of which can be improved by enriching them with essential nutrients. The purpose of the study is to develop technology and formulations of combined mousses using milk processing products and local fruit raw materials. Whey and buttermilk were used as milk raw materials for comparison with the study of their foaming ability associated with the pre­sence of proteins in their composition, which are stabilizers of interfacial foam films. These products are characterized by a chemical composition balanced in a favorable ratio for the human body, inclu­ding casein, lactoalbumin, lactoglobulin, essential fatty acids, ash elements, and vitamins. Therefore, their use as a basis in the process of making desserts is relevant, meets the principles of full nutrition, the requirements of waste-free technology and rational use of raw materials, which positively affects the economic performance of the enterprise. An integral part of a healthy diet is also the regular consumption of fruits, vegetables and berries, characterized as an indispensable source of dietary fiber, organic acids, vitamins, macro- and microelements, bioflavonoids. In this regard, for the production of whipped desserts on a dairy basis, it is important to use fruit and berry raw materials, among which feijoa fruits grown in the Krasnodar Territory and characterized by a large amount of iodine, vitamin C, catechins, leukoanthocyanins, pectin substances are considered a fairly new prescription component. Jelly-like structures of products can be obtained using thickeners and foam stabilizers, the diversity of which is known to culinary practice. Of particular interest are carrageenans, polysaccharides obtained from some species of red algae, taking into account their biological, physic-chemical properties and structure, the use of which is relevant for stabilizing and increasing the biological value of dairy-based desserts. The production of sweet dishes with the inclusion of the whipping process in the technological scheme, the improved composition of ingredients allows you to diversify the diet, increase the taste qualities of products, at the same time reducing its cost.


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How to Cite

Zhuravlev Р. А. ., Dunets Е. Г. ., Dzhum Т. А. ., & Tamova М. Ю. (2024). PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY AND QUALITY CONTROL MOUSSE BASED ON FEIJOA PUREE AND BUTTERMILK: LOOCTV. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (2), 79–88.

