


pumpkin, pea flour, food system, soufflé, quality indicators


Vegetable dishes are important in the daily human diet, as they allow you to fill the body's daily need for dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. The aim of the work is to develop a pumpkin souffle with the addition of pea flour. The object of the study is a pumpkin souffle with the addition of pea flour in an amount of up to 30%. The subject of the study is organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters: mass fraction of moisture, acidity, yield and microbiological parameters of pumpkin-based souffle with the addition of pea flour. Samples of food systems for pumpkin souffle with the addition of various amounts of pea flour were compiled and an organoleptic assessment was carried out in comparison with a control sample (with the addition of wheat flour). A tasting evaluation of pumpkin souffle with pea flour was carried out and the amount of pea flour was determined, which allows to ensure the best organoleptic characteristics. The addition of pea flour to a pumpkin souffle leads to a decrease in the mass fraction of moisture by 11.9%, an increase in acidity by 0.58 degrees and an increase in the yield of the dish by 2.1% compared with the control sample produced with the addition of wheat flour. The amount of added pea flour required to achieve the best organoleptic characteristics of the souffle was 15%. It was found that the introduction of pea flour in an amount of 15% in pumpkin souffle leads to their enrichment with dietary fibers, B vitamins, vitamin A, macronutrients: sodium, phosphorus and trace elements: iron, selenium, manganese and copper.


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How to Cite

Vaytanis М. А., & Khodyreva З. Р. . (2024). PROSPECTS FOR EXPANDING RANGE OF WHIPPED VEGETABLE DISHES: INMXQZ. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (2), 89–95.

